Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My whole life, I've wanted to feel comfortable in my skin. It's the most liberating thing in the world. -Drew Barrymore

After a weekend full of conversations that varied from dating to complexion, I found myself researching the lesser of the 2 evils. Google search: Why am I still prone to break outs and will I always feel like I am 14 or a cast member of Glee?

I hope the below will help you make smarter decisions during stressful days...

Bad food for the face:

Caffeine: cut back on tea, coffee, & chocolate

Simple carbohydrates: rapid increase of blood sugar levels increase oily substances & clog poors

White rice, sugar, breads

Acid forming foods: cheese and fatty meats

lack of vitamin b: need more whole grains, eggs?

Water: drink 6 to 8 glasses a day

Fruits: apples, oranges, berries, melon, kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, papaya & bananas.

Vegetables: carrots, cabbage, coleslaw, tomatoes, collard and mustard greens, winter squash, peas, onions and green beans.

Grains & Protein: Have 2 to 3 grain and protein servings each day.

Keep your face clean
Try an over-the-counter acne product:I like this
Use makeup sparingly
Watch what you put on your hair.
Keep your hands off your face.
Stay out of the sun
Feed your skin: read above
Exercise daily.


  1. Great post!!! (and welcome to blogger...found you through Emily!)

    I am 27 and still breaking out. It's ridiculous! I haven't broken out since I was like 14...but lately it's like a permanent thing. I honestly think alot of it is stress, but I think some of the bad foods you listed help my face look bad at all times! Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. Welcome to Blogger, I just got started to and so far its been a blast. Enjoy every second of it, I am loving your blog, especially the quotes. Keep em coming!

    -Sarah from http://livinglifelakeside.blogspot.com

  3. Thank you for the support, I truly appreciate it! I will make sure to check out your blogs and follow :)
