My best friends left this evening after a surprised weekend trip to visit. Although we can all relate to the word "friend", there are distinct differences in friendships. There are surface friends, acquaintance friends, mutual friends, work friends, maybe even exercise or dog park friends. But there are best friends, and these are who you go to when you have "come to your knees with it."
This weekend I realized that you can loose a lot in life. Material, physical, and emotional assets. However, what you own in friendship is something that literally cannot be purchased or replaced.
My favorite movie is The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood for several reasons. A favorite take away below:
- "I think it can best be said... The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
- "Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?"
- "Humility"
You need friends, and you need best friends, or at least one. Whether you loose a parent, a significant other, a loved one, a friend, a job, or worse....these are the people that physically and emotionally put you back together and bring you back to life. Always remember to be a friend. You need one and you need to be one. Don't fear humility, be grateful you have learned from it.